
Monday, June 9, 2014

Lesson on Chester--Potential Lease Horse!

 After about a month off, I had a lesson today on Chester, the horse I may possibly lease. He is chestnut Percheron/Thoroughbred, so he is quite big at about 16 to 17 hands high. His sometimes owner leases him out to riders that ride with Meghan. In fact his previous leaser was a young girl about eleven, who just got her first horse. Chester is a friendly, even-tempered horse and doesn't seem to spook at much, although his temperament seems a little higher than unflappable Reno.

 I led him from his paddock to the barn, only tying him up with his lead rope because he feels trapped when in the cross-ties. I brushed him, picked his hooves, then tacked him. Before I mounted Meghan told me a little more about Chester, telling me to make sure use light aids since Chester is sensitive and it doesn't take much to get him to go.

 After mounting I made a circle to the left in the dressage part of the arena and got used to riding Chester. His walk seems much like what I read about in dressage books---forward and marching. I did some walk-halt transitions as I circled, then changed directions and did the same thing.

 Next, I rode him at the walk around the dressage arena, doing several walk-halt transitions. Then I made a 20 meter circle at B, trotting part of it and working up to doing the whole entire thing. My reins weren't even, so he went to the outside after passing E. When I tried to turn him back, he thought I was asking for a leg yield and promptly began to do just that, heading left with his haunches toward the fence! It was my first time leg-yield, even if it wasn't planned. ;)

 Anyways, I brought him back to the circle and continued to trot, working on keeping my heels down and shoulders back, as well as not occasionally looking down. I don't want to end up on the ground! It's a longer way down than from Ginger.

 I soon moved to a circle at C, worked at the trot for a bit more. Now that he was more relaxed and warmed up, his trot was bigger, swinging smoothly forward. Not warmblood gaits but he has some pretty nice gaits.

 I then began to cool him down, and Meghan said I could ride him on the trail the circled the barn and paddocks by myself(my parents followed). She said that trail riding is Chester's favorite thing. Chester was very relaxed, and Meghan let me ride I went around the short loop twice. We spent this time to get to know each other more.

 After I put him away, we talked some more about the lease. Meghan said I could ride Chester in my lessons this month rather than Ginger or Reno. If all goes well I can start leasing him at the beginning of July! I'm really excited about this! When I lease I will be riding hopefully 2-3 times a week, or more, and will be able to take him out and ride outside of a lesson as well. This is going to be great! I can't wait to get to know him better.

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