
Saturday, June 7, 2014

California Chrome Triple Crown Upset

 California Chrome, like Smarty Jones, War Emblem, and many others failed to snag the final jewel of the Triple Crown, the grueling mile and a half Belmont Stakes. He ran along the rail, settling for fourth place, and getting boxed in at the last turn. As the pack rounded the final turn, he was forced to the outside. He tried his heart out, yet couldn't catch the leader. It turned out to be Tonalist who won the Belmont, not California Chrome, who tied for fourth with Wicked Strong. Commissioner came second and Medal Count third.
Something I found on EN. credit

 I was extremely disappointed when I saw what happened---I could hardly believe it. Like many others, I had believed in California Chrome. I was with him every step of the race hoping that he would be the next Affirmed or Secretariat. He came so close. Yet even though he did join the ranks of Smarty Jones and other Triple Crown near-misses, I still think he is an amazing horse with lots of heart. His rags to riches fairy tale type story is still one that will be remembered by Americans for decades to come. It has been 36 long years since Affirmed won the last Triple Crown, and more years will pass, yet one thing California Chrome did give racing fans and non fans alike was hope. Hope that perhaps the Triple Crown still is possible. Despite the fact that he didn't make it, he will still be remembered as a racing hero, at least in my mind.

 One of California Chrome's owners, Steve Coburn says the following,“I will never see another Triple Crown winner in my life because of the way they do this. It isn’t fair to these horses who have been in it from day one.” Tonalist had raced in neither the Preakness or the Derby, so he was fresh, unlike Chrome who had ran in three races over a mile long in the past five weeks. As usual, the Belmont lives up to its nickname, "The Test of Champions." What are your thought's on Coburn's remarks? In a way, I can see where he is coming from but I'm not sure if they should change the Triple Crown's rules. 


  1. I'm so disappointed. I was hoping that he would win.

  2. I was rather disappointed as well. I say that they should run in both the Derby and the Preakness in order to be allowed to race at Belmont. Seems more fair, but I do not really know anything about horse racing at all so I might be completely off on that.
    Nonetheless, winning both the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes is a great feat in itself!

    1. It certainly is a great feat and an amazing story, especially seeing how the whole team was pretty much underdogs. I'm sure he will still go down in history!

  3. I think it was a little disappointing the things he said. He was so good about being the underdog and spreading that great story about the people's horse when they still had a chance, and it made him sound like a sore loser the remarks he made. All the other Triple Crown winners won against fresh horses, so a real champion clearly can overcome the odds. I understand his disappointment, but I wish he could have been a little more mature.

    1. He did sound a little like a sore loser. My parents and I actually talked about. Sure, the rules seem a little unfair but I don't think they should change, and as you said, the others had beaten the odds before him. It just takes a versatile horse and I think that adds the challenge and elusiveness of the race.


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