
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Goals for the Rest of 2015

 I have always had small things I wanted to improve on in my riding, as well as distant long term goals(my dream of riding in Rolex), but I have not been good about making more immediate, concrete, long term goals–ones I can complete in a year of less to measure my progress.  I haven't until now, that is.  I talked with Laura so we could come up with goals I can complete by the end of the year. This is what we came up with.

  • Be able to keep Lucky round at all gaits and through transitions for most of each ride without a running martingale.
I want to look like this more often, except with better arm, hand, and leg position.

If I complete the first goal:
  • Ride in the nearby dressage schooling show in October, at Intro or Training Level, depending on how well I am doing.  This can help me to see where my skills are at.
Those are really the main things that will work towards this year.  The first one is what I have been working on these past few months, and is the foundation for any riding I do in the future, so it makes sense to work on it.  It is an essential skill.  Hopefully all goes as planned and I can ride in my first show.  I'm excited about working on these goals!

Also, I have post about my last ride, which was great, planned so keep an out for it.


  1. exciting goal about the show - i think you can do it!

  2. Great goal! I hope that you are able to improve enough to go to the show -- that would be awesome!!

  3. I think you should go to the October show no matter what! Shows are great learning experiences, especially Dressage tests.

    1. It certainly would be a great learning experience. I just want to work on roundness so I will be prepared.

  4. it's great to see you clarifying your immediate goals! i try to do the same (and review the progress) so i don't get too down on myself and can see how far i've come while having something to work towards. wishing you success!


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