
Wednesday, May 6, 2015


 Over the weekend, I went to the local rodeo, which was very fun because rodeos are so different than riding I normally see. There was bronco riding, bull riding, team roping, barrel racing, and tie-down roping–the usual. I came for the last the day of the rodeo, so heard them announce the rodeo princesses and queen. One of favorite events was the barrel racing. My observation from this one time watching it is that barrel racing horses tend to be a bit high-strung, which is probably because they are excited to run like racehorses are before a race. That's just my observation. Either way, I think it is really exciting to watch and would be fun to try. Enjoy the pictures I took!

Bringing in the state flag

A couple of the flags.
Bronco riding

Another bronco rider and horse
One of the horses was especially feisty(not this one) and was trying to climb out of its pen.
Team roping
One of the roping teams were trying to qualify for the National Finals Rodeo(NFR). Another pair had many family members that had gone to the NFR. I'm not sure which par that was though.

Barrel racing

A gorgeous horse
Bull riding..Yikes! It look much harder and more dangerous than bronco riding. one of the bulls charge
at the rider after he fell and brushed him with the horn. One of the bulls even fell down with the rider.
Since no stayed on for the full 8 seconds, no one qualified for the next round.
Here people are catching the bull. This particular one was very stubborn and didn't want to get caught.
It took several minutes to finally get him through the chute.

What is your favorite rodeo event?


  1. Sounds like a fun day. I really like watching cutting when they have it at rodeos. We also saw some cow work classes at Mule Days that were fun to watch.

    1. I didn't see any cutting but it does sound fun to watch.

  2. that looks like fun! i have only been to the rodeo at the royal agricultural winter fair. those 8 seconds seem awfully long when you're watching them... eeps!

    1. It was fun! The time does seem to much longer than it is when someone has to stay on a bucking horse/bull for that long.

  3. Woohoo, rodeos! :) Now you've experienced the main part of my world, ha! Love roping, always have. :)

    1. Yeah is was neat to watch. The roping did look like fun.

  4. Barrel racing is a lot of fun to watch -- those horses are so athletic!

  5. love the pictures! i've never been to a rodeo but hope to go one day :)

  6. Great pictures! I think rodeos are a ton of fun.


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