
Friday, July 11, 2014

Improving at Riding the Canter

 After returning from summer camp earlier today, I went to the barn for a riding lesson. Chester looked happy to see me and was calm and relaxed. I tacked him and began riding around the arena to warm up. Then, I began the lesson by trotting around the perimeter of the dressage arena. I've riding been working a lot lately on posting on the correct diagonal and have been getting better at doing so and recognizing when I am on the wrong diagonal. I am also getting better at sitting to correct or change my diagonal without being bumped around.
 I wasn't on the correct posting diagonal all the time this lesson, though, but I still rode well. I trotted across the long diagonal of the arena several times and changed my posting in the middle, at X. I also tried to make Chester straight so wasn't looking to the outside of where I am going.

 After doing several laps at the trot I took a walk break, then began a trot serpentine when I reached C. I rode several of them before beginning the dressage test I am working on, Intro Test C, riding Chester at the canter for the canter parts. The canter to the left was a little sloppy, so I had to redo it a couple times, but the canter right was much better. There was one time when I was sitting deep in the saddle rather than being bounced up.

 I ran through the test twice. The second time was much better: the shapes were more precise and the halting and saluting went much better.

 Before putting Chester away I watched another girl, Maddie, ride her gelding Bentley so I could learn something from observing her. She rode some leg yields, shoulder fores, and canter serpentines, with a couple simple changes in between each circle. It's nice to watch someone else ride so you can better visualize what you are supposed to be doing.


  1. I love watching other people ride, especially on my horse because I can see what they can make him do and how they do it better than I do. :)

    1. I agree. It's good watch your own horse being ridden as well.

  2. It looks like you're getting pretty comfortable in the canter in the pictures. I agree that watching other people ride really helps. I once had a boss tell me that a large part of riding is imitation of those more advanced than us and I think that's really true.

    1. Yes! By observing and imitating more advanced riders you can become a better rider. Even if you watch a rider who makes some mistakes you can learn what not to do.

  3. You Look great! Learning the correct diagonal is hard. Keep it up! Chester looks like a gentle soul, I like him!

    1. Thank you!

      Chester is very sweet gentle, which makes him a perfect horse to learn on.


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