
Friday, May 9, 2014

Update on Largo

 I mentioned last week that my trainer had found a horse, Largo, that would be perfect for me. He is a 20-year-old 17.3 hand high warmblood that is trained in upper level dressage, which means he can leg-yield, change leads, and half pass. With those skills he could teach me a lot about dressage. There's nothing better than learning dressage on a trained dressage horse! I could take him to small local shows, and Meghan said I could even win several ribbons on him. I've been discussing the possibility of owning Largo with my parents. While we all agree that he would be a great starter horse, and even my mom would like to have him and start riding again(she rode a lot when she was my age) we decided that it wouldn't work out to have a horse right now. I'm disappointed, especially since this seems like a great opportunity, but I realize that there will be other horses. I hope we will find a horse like him when we are ready for owning a horse.


  1. He sounded like a great horse, but there are plenty of great horses and you'll get one when the time is right. In the meantime, you're already doing fabulous by taking lessons and helping out at the other facility - ride as many different horses as you can! =)

    1. I hope to continue taking lessons and gaining experience until I am ready.

  2. Sorry it didn't work out. Something else will come along!


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