
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Riding Pictures 4/12/14

My leg is kind of bad in this picture...

Circling the standards near the corner across from the gate.

Riding a figure eight and heading toward the standards near the gate.

I like this picture.

Reno and I before his bath

Hosing him off with a shower spray

Having a nice roll.

After his roll.


  1. You look great! This may sound silly, but it's always good to have a ride that you look back on and find things to improve, because it makes you work on those things harder the next time you ride. You know you have the potential, you just have to work for it a bit harder the next time around! Or at least that seems to be how it is for me, haha!

    Also, I'm still in love with Reno, probably because he's a Bay, but oh well. ;)

    1. Thank you! That's actually excellent advice. It's another great reason to take pictures and videos--you find ways to improve and compare new ones with older ones.

      Reno is a sweet boy!


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