
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Great Lesson

 I had a great lesson today. When I arrived, there were lots of trailers by the arena furthest from the barn because some western riders were practicing for rodeo events there. Ginger hadn't liked the commotion and was a little on on edge, so I rode Reno today instead. Reno had already had several lessons before mine because of this, so he was a little tired.

 He was in one of the small pastures behind the barn when I went to get him. I groomed him, picked his hooves, and tacked him, then head to the arena. After mounting I did walk-halt transitions around the outer edge of the arena, tracking left. Toward the end of the second time around, he began reaching his head down. It took a moment for me to realize that he was trying to eat the grass on the other side of the fence. I kept walking him so he wouldn't snag a bite.

 When I was done with me warm-up, Meghan told me to stay in the dressage court, which was portioned off from the other arena with several ground poles. Nearby each corner were orange cones to help me make a good turn through the corner. I began trotting and did several serpentines at the trot. Then I rode along the edges of the court while Meghan told me about Intro Test C(it's been a while since I have done it).

 Once I reached A, I began my test, saluting at X and continuing on to C, where I began tracking right. I made a circle at B, and then another one at A before heading across the diagonal of the arena to change directions. I made a circle at E, and then another one at A, slowing to the walk when I reached P. I then free walked from B to H, turning right toward C. I gathered me reins and trotted along the long side of the arena, turning down centerline and halting at G, between H and M. I patted Reno, then headed right to and walked to give both of us a short break.

 Next, I did the test with the canter parts included on half of the circle at A. Reno didn't canter right away when I asked, probably because he was tired from his other lessons earlier today. Other than that practicing the test seemed to go well, though I did make a small mistake of heading into the corner when doing one of the circles at A. After that I cooled Reno down, dismounted, and brought him back to the barn to untack and groom him.

I have excellent news! When Meghan was talking to my parents and I, she said that she would be on the look-out for a horse for me. She won't be searching for one, but if she comes across a good one for me she'll let us know. I'm really excited about this, even though I probably won't be getting one very soon. It's great to have a trainer to help you find a horse.


  1. Very exciting! Getting your trainer's input on a new horse is so important.

  2. Sounds like a great lesson! Yes, trainer's blessing on new horse is a must. =)
    by the way I have my ride times this weekend:
    Saturday: dressage 1:03 pm, XC 4:08pm.
    Sunday: stadium jumping 10:31 am.

    1. It was fun, thanks! Cool that you have your ride times! XC will be fun to watch!


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