
Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Red Mare

 After several cancelled lessons from the rain here in California in recent weeks, which flooded the arena, and a show last weekend, I was able to have another lesson. When I arrived, Meghan was finishing up a lesson with another a girl and Ginger. She finished, and told me that would be riding Ginger, which excited me. I waited a few minutes, and Ginger was untacked and groomed so she could catch her breath before my lessons. When the other girl was done, I entered the barn and found Ginger in the cross-ties. I brushed her, picked her hooves, put her her dressage saddle and bridle on. Then I led her to the arena to begin my lesson.

 Because Ginger had just had a lesson, I didn't need to work much on warming her up. I walked a large circle around four ground poles, which no longer sectioned off a part of the arena for dressage. When I was ready trot, I realized some major differences between Ginger and Reno. She didn't trot after I asked, partly because she was tired, and partly because she sometimes needs extra encouragement to moved at a faster pace. It took a few minutes of clucking and squeezing to get her to trot. Also, every time I lost my balance when posting, Ginger would automatically go to walk, and I had to spend a few minutes to get her to trot again. In a way, it's good that she's so caring about her rider, a trait that makes her a great therapy horse. On the other hand, every time I make a mistake, I have to start over. Of course that makes me more aware of how I ride.

 After doing a few circles around the poles, I started to use them in my trot circle, trotting over them when I reached them. The first time Ginger stumbled, which I learned form Meghan was because I had been looking down. I was better the next time, but I on the wring diagonal, making it harder for Ginger trot over them. By the end of the lesson I better at trotting over the poles. My posting was so good from a few weeks off, but after a few more lessons I will be better.

After the lesson put Ginger in the grooming stall, which had hay in it. Of course, Ginger turn around and tried to eat it after I had unbridled her and was about to put on her halter. She managed to snatch a small bit before I had haltered her and hook her in the cross-ties. I then brushed her off and brought her to her covered outdoor stall. After taking off her halter and latching the gate, I said hi to her neighbor, Mo, as well as Reno, who looked tired.

 I'm going to be riding Ginger as my regular mount now and will soon start to get to know her better. She's a really sweet mare, though Meghan says she sometimes has "red head mare moments." I'm looking forward to riding her again. I'll have a lesson tomorrow and will be her first rider of the day. I can't wait!


  1. Great job! Those horses that "tell" on you when you do something wrong are great lesson horses. She will make you a better rider.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I'm sure she will make me a better rider because she let's me know when I do something wrong.


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