
Friday, February 7, 2014


 After escaping the rain and snow seen in other parts of the country these pasts few weeks, inclement weather has finally hit California. For the past two days, it has been raining nearly non-stop, making the ground that was already soft from last week's rain even more muddy and creating conditions less than ideal for riding. Meghan decided we should rain-check the lesson(literally) and reschedule it for another weekend, because none of use want to be out in the cold rain that is supposed to continue tomorrow. Besides, both arenas and probably muddy, or worse, flooded with large puddles, and there isn't an indoor at Silver Rose Ranch. I'm sure Reno greatly appreciates out decision to reschedule for a drier, sunnier day. Hopefully that day will be next week, before the show season starts. Meghan, my parents, and I need to work something out for show season, since she will be busy taking some of her more exerienced students to shows Saturdays. We'll see what happens. For now I plan on getting a hot chocolate.

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