
Thursday, January 30, 2014


In the early 17th century, Count Johann XVI von Oldenburg needed good calvalry horses, so he built several small breeding facilities all throughout the German provinces of Oldenburg and East Friesland. At these facilities, Count Oldeburg bred Friesians, Andalusians, Turkish horses, Danish horses, and Neapolitan(Italian) horses.

 Count Anton Gunther, who also helped to found the breeding program, want the breed to excel at dressage, and make a great carriage horse as well. While looking for suitable horses to add to the breeding program, Count Gunther searched Europe and Africa, eventually bringing back horses from Naples, Spain, Barbary(part of Africa that is now Morocco, Algeria, Tripolitania, and Tunis), and some Thoroughbreds from England. In addition, he gave some of these stallions to local farmers, who assisted in further refining the Oldenburg.
Oldenburgs commonly come in black. credit

 By June of 1820, the Oldenburg's studbook opened, and with it a law that stated all Oldenburg stallions had to be approved by government after completing a test before breeding. After passing it, the Oldenburg brand---an "O" with a crown above---would be branded on the horse's left hip, proving that he had been approved. Two breed asssociations were founded in 1897, but in 1923 they merged to form the Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes(Oldenburg's Horse Breeders' Society) in Vechta, Germany.

 In 1950, with the use of horses in agriculture nearly obselete, additional Thoroughbred blood was added to the Oldenburg, and the original cavalry, carriage, and agriculture Oldenburg gave way to the sport horse we know today.

Breed Description and Uses
 The Oldenburg is a compact, yet refined and elegant horse that stands an average of 16 to 16.2 hands high. As a warmblood, it is built for competing, and it's long front legs and powerful hind legs prove it's talent for dressage and show jumping. Most, and the gaits are of high quality, with the trot been active and elastic and the canter being uphill. The Oldenburg's long neck is high-set over the shoulders and it's head is usually quite pretty. Common colors are bay, black, grey, and chestnut.

 According the breed association's rules, and Oldenburg must be named according to its parent's names. For example, a colt's name must begin with the same letter as its sire, and a filly's the same as its dam.


  1. I absolutely love Oldenburgs. They are my second favorite breed :)

  2. I love Oldenburgs too! My trainer used to breed them and still has several. :D


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