
Monday, December 16, 2013

Lots of Pictures

 I have lots of pictures from Saturday's lesson, and even have some pictures of the ranch and barn, which I'll publish in a later post.
In this picture, I am riding down one of the short ends of the arena.

In this picture, I am finishing up a lap at the trot.
It was around this part of the lesson that Reno began to canter.

 Day 5: Your First Fall
  I haven't fallen off a horse yet, which is good. Just like it happened to everyone else, there will be a time that I will fall, so I'll tell you about that. For now, my horse riding lessons have been injury and fall free.


  1. Look like you're doing super well!!!! Your EQ looks great. My only tip is to keep the reins looser, in almost all of your photos, you are yanking on his mouth a bit, if you loosen, it'll give you more control and both of you will be more comfortable. :)

    1. Thank you for the advice about the reins. It's good to have friends who give me pointers when they seen my riding photos. :)

    2. I agree! It's actually my own downfall, haha.

  2. Your reins look good to me. What I guess is happening is that your hands are bouncing when you post, which will tighten them a bit... also you said he was being a bit fresh that day. You generally want a lot more contact with an English bridle with a simple snaffle than you will with western. :)

    1. Thank you for the advice. Yes. my hands actually were bouncing a little when I trot.

  3. Great photos! I am super jealous of you being able to wear short sleeves!

    1. I am lucky that it is warm during the day, seeing how cold it is everywhere else. Nights are very cold though.

  4. Great body position! Your heels are down, and there's a nice straight line from your elbow to the bit. You have good posture. Just be sure to smile more and keep your chin up! =)

  5. Looking good. In no time at all you'll be trotting the whole arena two or three times around without stopping. Keep it up!

    1. Thanks. It would be awesome to do that, and I'm it won't be long because I ride almost every week.

  6. Kalin gave you good advice but instead of lossening the reins (they are pretty long already) just try to lower your hands and that will keep you from pulling. Hope that helps :)
    Loving the pics. You look really good on Reno

    1. Thanks. When I'm posting, sometimes my hands bounce, so I'll make sure to keep them down.


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