
Monday, November 4, 2013

First Riding Lesson!!!

 Saturday I had my first ever riding lesson! It was so awesome; I was smiling the whole time.

 When I arrived at Silver Rose Ranch, where I would be taking the lesson, Meghan, my instructor, came up to talk to me. To my surprise and delight, she told me I would be getting my horse from the paddock. That made me really excited because I had been hoping to tack my horse as well as ride it. We walked around the barn, passing lots of bales of hay. On the way to the paddock, we stopped to remove the blanket of a grey OTTB in a small fenced area. Then, we reached three paddocks that were side by side. In one was Moe, a dark bay. Moe had once been a 3rd level dressage horse before her owner went away to college. Ginger, a chestnut jumper, was in the middle pen. Reno was in the last pen.

 Reno is a bay ex-Western pleasure currently used as a therapy horse. His calmness made him perfect for a first-time rider like myself. Meghan explained that I would start out by riding Reno, then as I progressed, I could move up to Ginger then Moe. After her explaination, we both entered Reno's paddock. Meghan taught me how the put the halter on. Once I did that, I led Reno to the barn and hooked him in the cross-ties. When he was securely hooked in, the two of us went to the talk room to bring out his gear. First, we got his grooming bucket. Meghan demonstrated how to groom him and how to safely walk behind. I groomed him a little, picked his hooves, and began to tack him. We started with his boots. I learned how to put them on properly. Next, we brought out the saddle pads(we used to:a fleece one and the regular one). I admit, I put the regular white one upside down at first, and Meghan had to correct me. Once the pads were on the right way, we fetched the saddle and girth. We put those on before grabbing a helmet, the bridel, and the reins. Surprisingly, the first helmet I tried fit comfortably. Yay! Meghan told me parents and I a little about fitting a helmet before teaching me how to put the bridle on and how to get the horse to open his mouth. We were then all tacked up.

 I led Reno to a large mounting block, one Meghan used for beginners to easily hop into the saddle. I mounted and was ready to roll. I learned about proper EQ---head up, heels down, back straight---all that good stuff. I started by learning to stop and go. Then, Meghan introduced steering. she also taught me about tightening the reins to make a horse stop if he just keeps on moving. After practicing all that for a while, Meghan asked if i wanted to do a quick trail ride around the barn to cool down. I was excited about testing my knew knowledge outside of the arena. While I ride, I talked to Meghan about various horse related stuff---she asked if I had learned about horse colors, and I identified Reno as a bay. I then pinted out a chestnut in the pasture nearby the barn.

 We also talked about OTTBs. I had told her I wanted one, and talked to her a little bit about Lynn Reardon(she owns a OTTB adoption center in Texas) and some of my blogging friends who also had OTTBs. I told her about the horse show I went to several weeks ago and Sarah, from Eventing in Color. Meghan told me that there is a schooling show coming up next week. Some of her students will be there.

 By then, we had reached the mounting block again. I dismounted, then untacked Reno and picked his hooves again. The cross-ties were being used, so we had to tie him to a metal loop using a quick-release knot, which Meghan taught me. I sprayed Reno with fly spray and led him back to his paddock.

 Riding for the first time was an awesome experience. I can't wait until my next lesson this coming Saturday. I have lots of pictures, but I can't upload them yet since the internet is down. I'll upload them from the camera later so hopefully you can see them later this week.


  1. That's awesome!! I'm glad you had fun with it!! Can't wait to see the photos. :)

    1. Best day ever! :) I going to get the photos off the camera soon. :)

  2. Congrats on your first lesson! Here's to many more :)

    1. Thanks! I sure hope I get to ride many more times. :)

  3. YAY! So glad you were finally able to have your first riding lesson!

    1. Thank you! I was really excited about it and mentioned everyday since we planned it.

  4. Great!! Sounds like a really fun and informative lesson, and not just about riding but all the other stuff too!

    1. It was awesome! I learned a lot about riding and horse management.


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