
Monday, October 21, 2013

Horse Show in Fresno

 Saturday was probably one of the most awesome days ever! I went to an eventing show and got to watch Sarah, one of my blogging friends, and her horse Bohemian compete in eventing. I watched one show jumping class before Sarah's and really enjoyed myself. Several horses stopped before some fences, and one time the rider fell over the head of the horses and landed on the other side of the fence. Ouch. No, I didn't get a picture of it. The rider left the arena after that fall. This show was actually the first horse show that I have been to, so it was fun.
Group shot! Left to right: Me, my friend Angel, Bohemian, Sarah, and Walden(the dog).
 After the first class, I went over to say hi to Sarah, who was getting ready for her class. Blogging friend in real life! It was so cool to meet her. We talked about Bohemian(her horse) while she tacked him. Then we went over to the warm-up arena and I watched her warm-up. When it was her turn to enter the arena, I went over to the rail to watch her ride. She and Bohemian looked great out there.

 I watched the rest of the class. There were lots of big horses. Huge. Surprisingly, there was even a pony ridden by a girl around 10 or 11 years old. Once the class was over, I went back to Bohemian's stall to talk to Sarah some more. She let me give Bohemian treats and then my dad took pictures of us. Bohemian even gave me some hugs. Cute boy. It was a really fun day. Sarah was as awesome in real life as she is on her blog(if not even cooler), and Bohemian was such a sweet boy! I told my mom on the way home that I want a horse like Bohemian(with his temperament, I mean). I loved being at the show and most of all meeting Sarah and Bohemian, and would love to do it again some day. Now, for pictures.                              

Bohemian munching on hay before his class.

Sarah and Bohemian before their class.
Warming up.

Still warming up.
Went over a jump before their class. 

The first fence

Cantering around the course

The bay is heading for the first jump.
This bay is canter is cantering. I think he just landed
after the first jump of the course.
Before we watched any classes, my family and I said hello
to Flo, an Irish Sport/Swedish Warmblood mix.


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